Hi, I’m Lauren.
…and I’m here to help you remember.
Because my story is one of remembering.
Remembering my inner power, connection to Source, resilience, and strength, to create a life that's truly aligned with my purpose.
And now, I have the honor of helping other women do the same.
My mission is to guide women to:
remember and reconnect with their Soul Self
heal past emotional wounds and societal conditioning
heal their relationships with their bodies
reclaim their inner power, becoming the authority of their life
design lives from the inside out, in alignment with their inner truth through spiritual, self-healing, mindset, empowerment, and embodiment work and practices
My story:
I’ve experienced many traumas in my life including sexual abuse, alcoholism, narcissistic abuse, eating disorders, self-harm, suicidal ideation, and clinically diagnosed depression and anxiety.
I started “waking up” on my spiritual journey 10+ years ago.
I discovered yoga and for the first time in my life, felt like I could stand a small moment of discomfort in my body without wanting to cut myself, starve myself, or numb out through a bottle of wine just to get through it.
I started to re-enter my body after years of dissociation. I was starting to FEEL again.
For the first time, I started to notice my body and breath and became aware of my awareness. I started seeing the ways I was running from my discomfort, through numbing out, drinking alcohol, spending money, gossiping, judging, and all the other ways we distract ourselves from feeling.
I went on to complete two 200-hour yoga teacher trainings and was like a sponge taking in all of the personal development and spiritual content I could get my hands on. I was obsessed with authors and teachers like Gabby Bernstein, Wayne Dyer, and Rebecca Campbell. I started to learn about the Law of Attraction and the power of manifestation, and how some souls come to this planet with the purpose of helping others wake up to their own purpose.
Something deep inside me turned on and whispered, “Yes, this is it!” I went on to become certified in Integrative Life Coaching and helping women to recognize their own inner awareness and make bold shifts in their life to move into more balance from a holistic wellness approach.
Soon after, I experienced a personal dark night of the soul.
I thought I had “healed,” but what I discovered was that you never reach an endpoint in healing, but rather you’re on a healing journey that continuously peels back the layers of fears and limiting beliefs to reveal more and more of the truth of who you really are. It’s like a constant shedding and evolving, simultaneously.
I came face-to-face with my unresolved feelings of unworthiness, lack of self-love, fears of abandonment and rejection, and the ways I had avoided facing past traumas and emotional wounds that were still stored in my subconscious and in my body.
I stopped drinking, started intensive EMDR therapy, worked with some incredible coaches, and got super serious about my healing. I knew that this time, I wouldn't ever repeat the patterns again where I completely disconnected from my intuition and Higher Self.
I slowly started to come back home to myself.
I reconnected with my intuition and my Higher Self, and remembered that She had been with me all along, gently guiding me, watching over me all of those years that I had disconnected from Her. I felt Her presence everywhere.
I started to physically feel a shift in my body, like I was no longer identified with my “ego self”, but I was now experiencing life from this Higher Self lens.
The only way I can describe it is like coming home after a long journey away. It felt like sitting on a cozy chair in front of a warm fire, kicking your shoes off, and exhaling deeply. Knowing I was finally right back where I belonged. With my Self.
Since then, I’ve expanded my coaching practice to help women find their own inner power to radically redesign their lives, and am focused on empowering women like you on your self-healing journey to release past trauma and emotional wounds stuck in the body, rewrite limiting beliefs and subconscious programming, reconnect to your Soul Self, strengthen your spiritual practices to raise your energetic frequency, and get clear on what you’re here to do in this lifetime so you can start aligning and designing your life to match that vibration.
Because when one woman finds and lives by her inner light, she gives permission to the rest of us to do the same.
My goal is to guide women to design their lives from the inside out - to feel like you have ground within yourself even when things feel groundless outside of you, to feel like you can stand firm on your own solid foundation internally, and from that place of steadiness, consistency and inner safety, take aligned action by following your own inner compass. To help you feel more connected to your resourced Self, the core part of you that is unchanging and unmovable, as a loving and compassionate witness to all parts of you, while rooted in a deep sense of safety and connection.
I help my clients integrate consistent practices that help them stay connected to Love, God, Source, etc., and strengthen their spiritual muscles, so that they feel more supported by divinity and can more easily tap into their intuition and inner guidance to develop more clarity on which next step to take. When living this way, you will feel less stress, less anxiety, less overwhelm, and more at peace, more protected, more guided, and like you are right where you are meant to be, no matter what life throws at you. We develop the symbolic sight to see every challenge and obstacle as an opportunity for growth.
I believe that we did not come here in these bodies, at this time, on this planet to simply sit back and let the world strip us of our power. To forget who we are, and how powerful we are, especially when we come together as women. It is my life’s work to continue to reconnect with my Self, to realign with Love, and to center myself in that energy, as I lead others to do the same. We are creating a ripple effect in the world, positively impacting those around us in ways that we cannot begin to imagine.
When you turn on your inner light, when you fan your inner flame, you spread that light to the rest of the world. The world needs your light.